
I’m a Software Engineer at Databricks. Before Databricks, I was a Software Engineer at Harvard’s CS50, where I worked on multiple software projects used by students and teachers and helped teach a few classes.


Databricks - Sr. Software Engineer 2021–Present

I help develop Databricks Workflows, a fully manage orchestration system used for orchestrating data processing, machine learning, and analytics pipelines. I helped build features such as task values, repair and rerun, file arrival triggers, and job parameters.

Harvard University - Software Engineer 2017–2021
Helped teach and support 3+ intro-level CS and programming classes, including CS50, Harvard’s largest CS class with 700+ students on campus and 1M+ registrants online. Built and maintained tools used by tens of teachers, hundreds of students on campus, and tens of thousands of students online. Mentored groups of students while they worked on dev projects.Helped teach and support 3+ intro-level CS and programming classes, including CS50, Harvard’s largest CS class with 700+ students on campus and 1M+ registrants online. Built and maintained tools used by tens of teachers, hundreds of students on campus, and tens of thousands of students online. Mentored groups of students while they worked on dev projects.


CS50 IDE - A cloud-based IDE based on AWS Cloud9
Designed and built the infrastructure backend and the orchestration of compute and storage on top of Docker, Kubernetes, EFS, and other tools and services, optimizing for cost and resources and speeding up the IDE’s loading time by at least 6x. Built a set of JavaScript plugins that simplify and customize the look and feel of the IDE, making it more accessible to students with no prior programming experience.


publish50 - An Electron app for facilitating video production workflows
Designed and built an electron app with a ReactJS frontend that helped CS50’s production team by streamlining the transcoding of terabytes of videos, using FFMPEG, and publishing the generated assets to YouTube and the course’s CDN, backed by S3 and CloudFront, speeding up the production time of a single video by at least 5x.


debug50 - A wrapper for the Cloud9 debugger
Improved the underlying gdb interface and added support for debugging Python 3 programs by integrating ikp3db.


Other work
Helped develop, dockerize, and configure CI/CD pipelines for many teacher- and student-facing apps (e.g., auto-testing/grading, submission tools, etc) to different services (e.g., EB, ECS, EKS, Heroku, etc). Supported teachers and students with different technical issues.


Audited many CS and programming classes online and at Harvard Extension School.

Helwan University ‘17 - Bachelor’s degree in Accounting